Brittany Mitchell

Key Info

Brittany is a PhD candidate at UNSW Sydney and the Australian Museum, supervised by Dr. Jodi Rowley, Prof. Louise Rollins-Smith (Vanderbilt University), and Prof. Richard Kingsford. She has research interests in amphibian conservation in an ever-changing world – more specifically on the effect anthropogenic activity and climate has on amphibian behaviour, ecology, and immunology. In particular, she is interested in using this knowledge to directly inform conservation strategies for such a threatened taxon.

Brittany is also a passionate science communicator and has been involved in various initiatives at the University of Sydney, University of Wollongong, SURGFM, and the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, to inspire the next generation into STEM related careers.

In Brittany’s spare time, she assists the FrogID team by validating calls, enjoys reading, getting out to the beach, and drinking copious amounts of tea!

Brittany has previously studied a Bachelor of Science (Biology and Immunology) at the University of Sydney, with Honours (Class I) undertaken jointly at UNSW Sydney and the Australian Museum. If you would like to get in contact with Brittany about her research, feel free to email her.


  • Bachelor of Science (Biology and Immunobiology) | University of Sydney 2016
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours Class I) | University of New South Wales 2019 | Thesis: Using large-scale citizen science data to examine acoustic responses of the red tree frog (Litoria rubella) to anthropogenic disturbance

Professional Memberships

  • World Congress of Herpetologists (WCH)
  • Australian Society of Herpetologists (ASH)
  • Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASSAB)


  • Callaghan, C.T., Liu, G., Mitchell, B.A, Poore, A.G.B, & Rowley, J.LL. (2021) Urbanization negatively impacts frog diversity at continental, regional, and local scales. Basic and Applied Ecology, 54: 64-74.
  • Mitchell, B.A., Callaghan, C.T., Rowley, J.J.L. (2020) Continental-scale citizen science data reveal no changes in acoustic responses of a widespread tree frog to an urbanisation gradient. Journal of Urban Ecology
  • Quinnell, R., Gray, L.J., Philp, J., Mitchell, B., Newberry, M. and Dimon, R. (2019) September. Breathing life into Haswell’s historic educational zoological collection. In Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (p. 85).