Insect and Flower Click to enlarge image
Insect eating from Flower Image: Matthew Bulbert
© Australian Museum

Whether you're studying habitats, living things, biodiversity, classification or invertebrate ecology, Bugwise provides tools and guides to assist you in the field.

Did you know that 99% of all living creatures are invertebrates? In Australia only about 20% of our invertebrates are officially named and described. We share our homes, backyards and playgrounds with a multitude of insects and spiders that most of us have never taken the time to know.

One way that we can investigate the world of invertebrates is by conducting a field observation. When conducting field observations of invertebrates and insect pollinators, follow the steps below.

  1. Choose a time of day or area of study that is not too windy or dry.
  2. Collect a clipboard, pencil and piece of paper.
  3. In small groups, decide what type of observation you want to conduct.
    1. Each member of the group should find a small area (2m x 2m) to carefully observe for five minutes. Write down every invertebrate you see in this area over this time.
    2. Each member of the group creates an 'observation frame' by cutting a 1cm x 1cm square in the centre of a piece of cardboard. Hold the card at arm’s length to frame the area to be observed. Observe the area for five minutes and record every invertebrate you see in this area over this time.
    3. One team member observes just one invertebrate and reports its activities at 10 second intervals, or as action changes (e.g. fly landing on a flower – describe flower colour scent, shape and insect). Observe the invertebrate for five minutes.