The Bugwise program is designed to provide a systematic exploration of invertebrates using scientific thinking processes. At each stage, practical investigation work provides opportunities for students to practice and develop investigative skills and also gain concrete experiences of nature.

A scientifically literate society will take bio-responsible action. Carlos de la Rosa, Education Officer, Catalina Conservatory, California

To open the door to conceptual learning the following process will be followed:

  1. a focus question presented;
  2. students existing concepts/key words and theories articulated (prior knowledge);
  3. investigation proposal (individual/group/whole class/vertical grouping)
  4. investigating and recording raw data;
  5. analysing data; and
  6. knowledge/concept statements.

To help students make the connections between what they already know and new experiences and information, modules of work are organised around the stages of the 5Es Instructional Model.

  1. Engage

    • Create interest and stimulate curiosity
    • Raise questions to create interest
    • Reveal student ideas and beliefs
    • Compare students’ ideas
  2. Explore

    • Experience the phenomenon or concept
    • Explore questions and test students’ ideas
    • Investigate and solve problems
  3. Explain

    • Compare ideas
    • Introduce definitions and concept names
    • Construct explanations and justify them in terms of observations, names and definitions and data
  4. Elaborate

    • Use and apply concepts/key words and explanations in new contexts
    • Reconstruct and extend explanations to new contexts
  5. Evaluate

    • The teacher looks for evidence of changes in students’ ideas, beliefs and skills
    • Students review and evaluate their own learning

Adapted from Working Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science Mark Hackling © DET Western Australia 2005