The Google Ads blog is a good resource of stats and insights into mobile. The most recent post, Think Mobile UK: Ian Carrington of Google calls for “A little less conversation, a little more action”, details some interesting stats:

  • "In 2010 there were 500 million people connected to the mobile web, today there are around a billion.
  • In the middle of last year, Wall Street tech futurist Mary Meeker predicted that smartphone sales would overtake PC sales by the end of 2012. That in fact already happened in Q4 2010 – fully two years earlier than expected.
  • UK smartphone penetration in 2010 was 24%; in 2011 it has soared to 36%"

He also outlines four simple steps for integrating mobile:

  • "Step one: develop and integrate your mobile strategy
  • Step two: build your mobile destination
  • Step three: connect with your users
  • Step four: mobilise your business with data"

You can watch Ian's talk here (be aware - it goes for alomst half an hour!!).

And remember, always ask: "Where's the data?"!