Productivity Future Vision (2011) (video)
The future of technology as guessed by Microsoft Office (that future being the next five to ten years apparently). Nice to see we’ll still be using tables and chairs along with all our gesturing to screens.

A 3-D Printer Goes to Work for the Smithsonian
A 3-D printer can turn data into physical objects (and makes 2-D printers now look like fossils). “It’s opened up countless new possibilities in creating exhibition materials”.

Idealware’s Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide, Updated for 2011
The post makes some solid points about goals and audience and the free-to-download guide gives a great overview (it could even be a bible for some organisations).

Top Minimalist Website Designs: Trends and Examples
Nice examples in this post (a relevant one for us as we work towards a redesign of our website).

Giving Kick-Ass Presentations In The Age Of Social Media
Let’s be honest: there are A LOT of people in museum industry that need to read this. Share, share, share!

Museum tour apps for <$25k at Museums & Mobile conference
While it’s true that “Apps just need to be good enough. No need to get too fancy or reinvent the wheel,” just make sure it stays good enough - technology changes at a rapid pace.

Post: 10 Best Practice Tips for Facebook Page Content Publishing
We’re still working on numbers 7 and 8, but the other eight tips are bread and butter to us now.

StumbleUpon reaches 20M users, over 1B stumbles per month

One to watch. It’s numbers are only going to get bigger and it’s reportedly driving more traffic in the U.S. than Facebook or Twitter.