After briefly reviewing a visitor survey conducted at the August 16th Jurassic Lounge, I was intrigued by responses to the question “Has Jurassic Lounge changed how you see the Australian Museum?” Visitors were asked to check yes or no, and if they said yes, they were asked to elaborate on their response.

Here are a few elaborations:

“more modern, more adult entertainment”

“cause I probably won’t [sic] have come otherwise”

“makes it more alive & not antiquated”

“in touch w/ current arts population”

“It has moved from being a ‘traditional’ space to a modern, new, funky place – definitely a younger crowd.”

“It’s ‘funner’ now”

“It’s a more social experience then I usually associate with museums.”

“A lively museum.”

“More accessible to adults”

“Made me think of it as welcoming to people my age. Coming across as exciting & vibrant rather than stuffy or juvenile”

There is more analysis to be done, but I am interested to see if the data shows that this is an event that draws the elusive 18-35 crowd.  If so, can the museum capitalize on this interest by creating similar programming?

(Don't forget to visit to find our more about this night.)