Here are some quotes:

“ I want to see the history of the object, who originally made it, used it, passed it on, how it came to be in the museum’s collection.”

“ The museum should give the weapons a context.”

“ Would love to include a contrast with peace and include object related to peace to create balance..”

“ Something with a story that can spin a yarn.”

“ Peace treaties that came out of war.”

“ Things that make you think outside of the box and from left field.”

“ I like to see the story behind it, how it came to here, what happened in the last 350 years since it was made.

“ Find different themes to engage me.”

And, the most interesting question in my opinion;
Weapons... For men only? Or are women just as interested in this subject?
The opinion of 45 people was asked for this small survey. We found out that:
-> Little boys (and girls) would really like to see an exhibition about weapons. They all said 4 or 5 when asked to rate their interest in this topic.
-> The men, the fathers were quite enthusiastic as well, 7 out of 10 rated their interest with 3 or higher!
-> The women, the mothers, well, most of them weren’t that interested...
-> Of the 25 women that were interviewed, 16 of them said not to have any interest whatsoever on the topic.
-> 5 Women are interested, ratings 3 or higher.
-> And 4 women would come to the museum, because their family wants to see an exhibition about weapons.